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2. Qin Yuchu,Lu Wenlong, Qi Qunfen, Liu Xiaojun, Huang Meifa, Scott Paul J., Jiang Xiangqian, Towards a tolerance representation model for generating tolerance specification schemes and corresponding tolerance zones, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, 2018, 97 (5-8) , 1801-1821. (SCI和EI收录)
3. Qin Yuchu, Lu Wenlong, Qi Qunfen, Liu Xiaojun, Huang Meifa, Scott Paul J., Jiang Xiangqian, Towards an ontology-supported case-based reasoning approach for computer-aided tolerance specification, KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMS, 2018, V141, 129-147. (SCI和EI收录)
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8. Wenlong Lu, Yuchu Qin, Xiaojun Liu, Meifa Huang*, Liping Zhou, Xiangqian Jiang, Enriching the semantics of variational geometric constraint data with ontology, Computer-Aided Design 2015 Vol.63 P72-85,(SCI和EI收录)。
9. Yuchu Qin, Wenlong Lu, Xiaojun Liu, Meifa Huang, Liping Zhou, Xiangqian Jiang, Description logic-based automatic generation of geometric tolerance zones, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 2015 Vol.79 No.5-8 P1221-1237.(SCI和EI收录)
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